WEARNE road building materials and concrete aggregates all comply with COLTO and SANS specifications.
We are able to supply any of the following materials:
- 6.7mm – 37.5mm Concrete Stone
- 6.7mm – 37.5mm Road Stone
- Ballast Stone
- Builders Mix
- Crusher Dust
- Crusher Sand
- Dump Rock
- G1 – G7
- Gabion Stone
- Pit / Building Sand
- Plaster Sand
- River Sand (Decomposed Granite)
- UTFC (Ultra-Thin Friction Course) Aggregates
- Washed Crusher Sand
Please note that not all of our branches supply the product range above. Please contact the branch directly should you require confirmation.
Branch Contact Details
079 529 2727 or 082 459 8776
079 496 8078 or 082 459 8783
082 330 7652 or 082 459 8781
082 901 8420 or 083 977 2647